Feb. 17, 1999, 10 p.m.
Last Updated
Sept. 3, 2019, 1:16 a.m.
California Army National Guard
Military helicopters (U.S.)
Chris "Sparky" Shaw
Exterior view
Multiple aircraft shown
Aircraft is not operating
Intrument Panel
Instrument panel not shown
Close-Up Detail
Entire helicopter shown
Military Unit
Company B, 1/140th Aviation
Aircraft Number
Chalk number 11
Shortly before photo was taken, the Blackhawk had an in-flight emergency and had to land immediately. The #1 engine input module gearbox failed and caused a fire in the #1 engine. The aircraft could not be flown and had to be airlifted out of the desert. A CH-47 Chinook from Stockton, California was summoned to sling load the aircraft and transport it to Bike Lake Airfield. Note, all four main rotor blades were removed and placed in the cargo bay of the Chinook. The helicopter was rebuilt from the airframe 14 months later by AVCRAD in Fresno, California.
In/Out of Service
Yes, helicopter is still in service
Base Location
United States : California
Fitted with the new MILES-II System. Company B, 1/140th Aviation was requested to provide two UH-60's to support the 48th Infantry Brigade. This aircraft is the second oldest UH-60 in the U.S. Army Inventory. Note the unique paint scheme, formerly used for training at Fort Rucker and the Army Reserve. The aircraft is now in Bosnia, being used by the 126th Medevac